Source: controls/ScrollBar.js

var Scrollable = require('./Scrollable');

// TODO: decrement/increment Button
// TODO: thumbFactory?
// TODO: this.showButtons

 * Scroll bar with thumb
 * hosting some Viewport (e.g. a ScrollContainer or a Texture)
 * @class ScrollBar
 * @extends GOWN.Scrollable
 * @memberof GOWN
 * @constructor
 * @param [direction=Scrollable.HORIZONTAL] Direction of the scroll bar (horizontal/vertical) {String}
 * @param [theme] theme for the scrollbar {GOWN.Theme}
function ScrollBar(direction, theme) {
     * The skin name
     * @type String
     * @default ScrollBar.SKIN_NAME
    this.skinName = this.skinName || ScrollBar.SKIN_NAME;

    // this.viewPort = container;

    this.direction = direction === undefined ?
        Scrollable.HORIZONTAL : direction;

    // if (container) {
    //     // move thumb when viewPort moves
    //     container[this.direction + '_bar'] = this;
    // }, theme);

ScrollBar.prototype = Object.create( Scrollable.prototype );
ScrollBar.prototype.constructor = ScrollBar;
module.exports = ScrollBar;

 * The minimum thumb width
 * @type Number
 * @default 20
ScrollBar.prototype.minThumbWidth = 20;

 * The minimum thumb height
 * @type Number
 * @default 20
ScrollBar.prototype.minThumbHeight = 20;

 * Default scroll bar skin name
 * @static
 * @final
 * @type String
ScrollBar.SKIN_NAME = 'scroll_bar';

 * @private
ScrollBar.prototype.scrollableredraw = Scrollable.prototype.redraw;

 * Recalculate scroll thumb width/height
 * @private
ScrollBar.prototype.redraw = function() {
    if (this.invalidTrack) {
        if (this.container && this.container.viewPort && this.thumb) {
            if (this.direction === Scrollable.HORIZONTAL) {
                this.thumb.width = Math.max(this.minThumbWidth,
                    this.container.width /
                    (this.container.viewPort.width / this.container.width));
            } else {
                this.thumb.height = Math.max(this.minThumbHeight,
                    this.container.height /
                    (this.container.viewPort.height / this.container.height));

 * Thumb has been moved. Scroll content to position
 * @param x x-position to scroll to (ignored when vertical)
 * @param y y-position to scroll to (ignored when horizontal)
ScrollBar.prototype.thumbMoved = function(x, y) {
    if (this.container && this.container.viewPort) {
        if (this._direction === Scrollable.HORIZONTAL) {
                -(this.container.viewPort.width - this.container.width) *
                    (x / (this.container.width - this.thumb.width)),
        } else if (this._direction === Scrollable.VERTICAL) {
                -(this.container.viewPort.height - this.container.height) *
                    (y / (this.container.height - this.thumb.height)));

 * Determines if the scroll bar's thumb can be dragged horizontally or
 * vertically.
 * @name GOWN.ScrollBar#direction
 * @type String
Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, 'direction', {
    get: function() {
        return this._direction;
    set: function(direction) {
        this._direction = direction;
        this.invalid = true;

 * Value of the scrollbar
 * @name GOWN.ScrollBar#value
 * @type Number
//TODO: put in Scrollable
Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, 'value', {
    get: function() {
        return this._value;
    set: function(value) {
        this._value = value;