var InputControl = require('./InputControl'),
InputWrapper = require('../utils/InputWrapper'),
position = require('../utils/position');
* The basic Text Input - based on PIXI.Input.
* Input by Sebastian Nette, see
* @class TextInput
* @extends GOWN.InputControl
* @memberof GOWN
* @constructor
* @param [theme] theme for the text input {GOWN.Theme}
* @param [skinName=TextInput.SKIN_NAME] name of the text input skin {String}
function TextInput(theme, skinName) {
// show and load background image as skin (exploiting skin states)
* The skin name
* @type String
* @default TextInput.SKIN_NAME
this.skinName = skinName || TextInput.SKIN_NAME;
* The valid text input states
* @private
* @type String[]
* @default InputControl.stateNames
this._validStates = this._validStates || InputControl.stateNames;, theme);
TextInput.prototype = Object.create(InputControl.prototype);
TextInput.prototype.constructor = TextInput;
module.exports = TextInput;
* Default text area skin name
* @static
* @final
* @type String
TextInput.SKIN_NAME = 'text_input';
* Set display as password (show text with "*")
* @name GOWN.TextInput#displayAsPassword
* @type bool
Object.defineProperty(TextInput.prototype, 'displayAsPassword', {
get: function () {
return this._displayAsPassword;
set: function (displayAsPassword) {
this._displayAsPassword = displayAsPassword;
* Get the text lines as an array
* @returns {Array|*} Returns an array with one text line per array element
TextInput.prototype.getLines = function() {
return [this.text];
* @private
TextInput.prototype.inputControlSetText = InputControl.prototype.setText;
* Set the text
* @param text The text to display {String}
TextInput.prototype.setText = function(text) {
if (this._displayAsPassword) {
text = text.replace(/./gi, '*');
var hasText = this.pixiText !== undefined;
if (!hasText && this.height > 0) {
// set cursor to start position
if (this.cursor) {
this.cursor.y = this.pixiText.y;
* Update the selection
* @private
TextInput.prototype.updateSelectionBg = function() {
var start = this.selection[0],
end = this.selection[1];
if (start !== end) {
start = this.textWidth(this.text.substring(0, start));
end = this.textWidth(this.text.substring(0, end));
this.selectionBg.drawRect(start, 0, end - start, this.pixiText.height);
this.selectionBg.x = this.pixiText.x;
this.selectionBg.y = this.pixiText.y;
// TODO: autoSizeIfNeeded