var ScaleContainer = require('../utils/ScaleContainer');
var ThemeFont = require('./ThemeFont');
var EventEmitter = require('eventemitter3');
* Basic theming/skinning.
* @class Theme
* @memberof GOWN
* @constructor
* @param [global=true] Set theme as the global GOWN.theme
function Theme(global) {;
* At its core a theme is just a dict that holds a collection of skins.
* Every skin is a function that returns a renderable item (e.g. a texture)
* @private
* @type Object
this._skins = {};
if (this.textStyle) {
} else {
* The default font for all labels (e.g. button label)
* @type GOWN.ThemeFont
this.textStyle = new ThemeFont();
if (global === true || global === undefined) {
GOWN.theme = this;
* The cache for the theme textures
* @type PIXI.Texture[]
this.textureCache = null;
* Use an own skin for scroll/slider track (uses the default button skin otherwise)
* @type bool
* @default true
this.thumbSkin = true;
* Desktop themes have a hover skin if the mouse moves over the button
* @type bool
* @default true
this.hoverSkin = true;
Theme.prototype = Object.create( EventEmitter.prototype );
Theme.prototype.constructor = Theme;
module.exports = Theme;
* Dispatched when a skin has changed
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Theme.SKIN_CHANGED = 'skin_changed';
* Dispatched when a theme texture has loaded
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Theme.LOADED = 'loaded';
* Dispatched when a theme texture has been loaded and all controls have an assigned skin
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Theme.COMPLETE = 'complete';
* Set the skin for a UI component
* @param comp UI component that we want to skin, e.g. "button" {String}
* @param id Id for the skin (e.g. state when the skinning function will be applied {String}
* @param skin skin-function that will executed once the component gets updated {function}
Theme.prototype.setSkin = function(comp, id, skin) {
this._skins[comp] = this._skins[comp] || {};
this._skins[comp][id] = skin;
this.emit(Theme.SKIN_CHANGED, comp, this);
* Set up the asset loader and load files
* @param jsonPath The path to the json file {String}
Theme.prototype.addImage = function(jsonPath) {
this._jsonPath = jsonPath;
.once('complete', this.loadComplete.bind(this));
* Executed when the image has been loaded.
* Sets cache and emits events.
* @see addImage
* @see resource-loader
* @param loader The loader {Loader}
* @param resources The loaded resources {Object}
Theme.prototype.loadComplete = function(loader, resources) {
this.emit(Theme.LOADED, this);
* Set the texture cache (normally called when loading is complete)
* @param resources The loaded resources {Object}
Theme.prototype.setCache = function(resources) {
this.textureCache = resources[this._jsonPath].textures;
* Apply the theme to the controls
* (normally executed only once after the texture has been loaded)
Theme.prototype.applyTheme = function() {
this.emit(Theme.COMPLETE, this);
* Create a new Scalable Container
* @param name Id defined in the asset loader {String}
* @param grid Grid defining the inner square of the scalable container {PIXI.Rectangle}
* @param [middleWidth] The alternative width to crop the center piece
* (only needed if we want to scale the image smaller than the original) {Number}
* @param [centerHeight] The alternative height to crop the center piece
* (only needed if we want to scale the image smaller than the original) {Number}
* @return {Function}
Theme.prototype.getScaleContainer = function(name, grid, middleWidth, centerHeight) {
var scope = this;
return function() {
var texture = scope.textureCache[name];
if(!texture) {
throw new Error('The frameId "' + name + '" does not exist ' +
'in the texture cache');
return new ScaleContainer(texture, grid, middleWidth, centerHeight);
* Create a new Sprite from an image name
* @param name Id defined in the asset loader {String}
* @returns {function}
Theme.prototype.getImage = function(name) {
var scope = this;
return function() {
if (scope.textureCache && name in scope.textureCache) {
return new PIXI.Sprite(scope.textureCache[name]);
} else {
// not found - try to load the image.
return new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.fromImage(name));
* Get a skin by a component name and state (or type)
* @param comp Name of the component (e.g. button) {String}
* @param state State or type of the skin (e.g. "up") {String}
* @returns {PIXI.DisplayObject}
Theme.prototype.getSkin = function(comp, state) {
if (this._skins[comp] && this._skins[comp][state]) {
return this._skins[comp][state]();
return null;
* Shortcut to remove the theme from the global context
Theme.removeTheme = function() {
GOWN.theme = undefined;